
25.06.2020 01:15: I am still in detention from freedom, a prisoner. The danger to be poisoned is present too, also to be attacked by psycological terror/torture. I seek help to become released from detention.

The Situation

The target with 'Law and Learning': To get people to understand a situation related to the law - as fast and cool as possible.

Hypthesis: "They have lost gounds by the law and humanity - become corrupted liars.

"... 22. july 2011 ... ?" - André by the Police in Dale. 30.08.2020
"I feel that I meet a wall." - Doctor Maret Krannich. 27.05.2020
"... he is God." - Doctor Cecilie Rebecca Christophersen about Tom André Tveit. 05.06.2020

What is the main juridicial offense againt me in this case is detention from freedom on the penal code '§173. Abuse of public authority' which bagan 27.05.2020, but also present beneath the prisonment treaths about poisonment wihich is aggrevating.

Here is a map of the situation for the case which among other things shows where the detention happened which were at Askvoll; Øyrane/Vikane where I have an agreement with the government for the vacation included electricity delivered by 'Askvoll kommune' after an agreement with the councilman Håkon Loftheim:

As an addition I can mention that I have for long been wonering about what psychiatry is, especially in practece - now I have been so lucky that I as a completely healthy, totally illiegal, have gotten the opportunity to study the psycjiatry from the inside. 'Law and Learning' is therefore a case I work closely with the psychiatric health care law, with the goal to find out what it is used for - also then a research relating difficult matters we regurarily don't speak much about; in relation to the law. As a human being among my own I hope that my work will make subjects about psychiatry mote common in the everyday in such a way that they and what which is problematic in the meeting of humans and the law, in an easy and good way avoid to become a problem for the society.


What has happend which makes such as; André by the Police in Dale, Doctor Maret Krannich and Cecilie Rebecca Chistophersen, so sickening corrupt, criminal liars?

André - First panic attack: André by the Police in Dale got the 30.08.2020 a panic attack at an interrogation; false accusations and probably roughly violent illegal attack against me was the cause.

Maret Krannich - Second panic attack: Doctor Maret Krannich got a panic attack the 27.05.2020 as which the expression int the introduction relates to, in an probably illegal appointment where she on the basis of false accusations and false concerns takes an illegal decision.
- The illustration in attachment 2 can one also amongst other things se the offenses Maret have done which is amongst other things; a. she ignored my regular doctor Aud Marie Hoel conformation about that I am healthy and have good health, b. she took after what what I know not contact tith the municipal in Bergen where I have my addresse; municipal Finn Markussen, c. she used false accusations and false concerns for an illegal decision, d. she ignored the fact that I am healthy and have a good health, e. / f. on the grounds of bad information Maret Krannich indirectly used force to forced examination wohtout that a real voluntary examination was given, and g. she attempted illegal to take decision on forced examination without the authority to do so.

Cecilie Rebecca Christophersen - The third reaction:
- Pre 05.07.2020: The psycologist Cecilie Rebecca Christophersen is observed to have a diagnosis, or at least, part of a diagnosis as herself call; "confusement of thoughts" in a conversation the 26.06.2020; she had some expression through the face and got asked what they ment, and she gave to different versions for the reason without herself to underline the doubt in which then is present, but were clear on both statements one at a time.
- Past 05.07.2020: I have now been in a conversation with her and in the conversation it got proven "disturbment of thought", something she herself tries to exploit other with by to false accuse that other have it instead (!).
- The expression by her mentioned in the beginning in the introduction is regardrd also as one in a line of false accusations and is so exstremely absurd that it is a reason to believe that is is a danger for a nervous reaction from her when she realizes that what she has talked about is not correct - also the fact that herself has done offenses.

I Tom André Tveit which works with the case; 'Law and Learning'. has a good relation to the law; in the situation for this case do I have good grounds legally, which furtherly give a good self esteem; health.

Main section

- False accusations -

3 chunks: The 'Law and Learning'-case is mainly founded on false accusations which comes to be spoken about in three chuncks; police documentation with false accusations, false concerns and false accusations and offenses from journals by the health care system.

- Offenses -

27.05.2020 - Illegal imprisonment

- Paragraph: "The penal code § 173. Misuse of public authority. With prison at the maximum 6 years punished becomes those who by practicing public authority or unrightful imprisonment as a result, or ... c) breaks its duty of service with serious disadvantage, damage or ..."
- Explanation: Maret Krannich broke the mentioned paragraph the 27.05.2020.
- I have charged Maret Krannich for the offense.
- It has been sent a warning til 'Fylkesmannen'.

27.05.2020 - Illegal use of force

- Paragraph: "Psychiatric health care law § 3-1. Examination: Forced psychiatric health care kan not be established without that a doctor personally has examined the one for to bring forward the fact that the reasons for the law for such a health care is fulfilled. The doctor which performs hte examination, shall give a literary statement.
- Explanation: Maret Krannich attempted to use force without to "make it clear that the laws premisses is granted" - at large she got herself a panic attack which os an evidence that I am healthy, also has not broken any laws - she attempted to use force based on false accusations/conserns.
Addition: Maret Krannich experienced a panic attack i an oterwise unorganized appointment where herself expressed; "I feel that I meet the wall." The panic attack can be a sign that the reason to why she broke the law on so many points.
- It has been sent a complaint to the control commission for such decisions - also has it been sent a law suit to the court on the psychiatric health care law §7-1.

11.06.2020 - Treaths of poisonment

- Paragraph: "The penal code § 263. Treaths The one which in words or action treaths with punishable behavior in such cicrumstances that the treath is able to provoce seriois fear, is being punished with a fine or prison up to 1 year."
- Explanation: In a complaint-meeting at the control commission by Haukeland Universitetssykehus did I, Tom André Tveit, the choice to pull the complaint which were for treatment temporary; doctor Ieva leskauskaite replied on this in an incredible way as follows; she treathed about that as for treatment in an eventual continuing "wehere medicaments is an opportunity", it could be favorable not to withdraw the complaint, but process it finished in the meeting. It is clear that medicaments is after the law not necessary - it regards only decisions by need/sickness, in such a way that I as a processor chose to not comment the treath, but fulfill that to withdraw the complaint with my lawyer.
- Today 13.06.2020 kl 18.33 it was delivered to the police in the West a charge of the relation.

23.06.2020 - Contact with my regular doctor

- Paragraph: "The regulation about patients- and userrights in the laws for regular doctors 'Notes to regulation on patient- and usersrights in the regular doctor system to §2 The Right to be on a list at a regular doctor ... The one which has the right to be on the list at a regular doctor, can put forward a wish for a doctor. The wish can be fulfilled as far as it is available places on the regular doctors list, except in those cases as follows after the rules in this regulation. ..."
- Explanation: The doctor Aud Marie Hoel attempted through other doctors yesterday to inform me about that she did not want contact.
- Action: I await until further notice what shall be done to get the right for communication med my regular doctor. See attachment 2 for an illustration which show what my regular doctor have done in this case already.

Conclusion #1

I get back my freedom, comes out from the imprisonment in relation to everything which have to do with force to do and get back my fundamental right to be voluntary which I have in an eventual establishment of force the right to be. Furtherly I get removed all false accusations which is 1. by the police, 2. false concerns and 3. false journals by doctors, in such a way that it will not be built more false accusations upon them, but where the truth about myself is what is known to the public - it can be mentioned that my blog is one example about the truth about me.

As mentioned in the section for the reality in this possible conclusion of the case that which is the good, truthful and is legal; I have as said not done something illegal, I have a good health, is healthy, and has as I have done for many years now the right to continue to thrive in private, professional and marketed good politics, where my main business today is as a Fortnite player - something I hope I can continue to do soon with the right for freedom I have.

Conclusion #2

One probable cocnlusion:
People can become ill because of an irregular relation to the law, in such a way that to loose grounds by offenses, and furtherly as a corrupted being stimulate to improsonment and exploiting of good humans, by among other things calling them 'God' - in this case used the doctor Cecilie Rebecca Chistophersen the expression (!).

In the case shall we look at if the possible conclusion is true - and especially interesting will it be to see what they eventual try to exploit in such a situation.

Addition: Before the case is finished can it furtherly be said that if the coclusion is true, so must de involved place themselvses in the evil as a unit - on this way loose every defense when there is not in the current time laws, cultural grounds which explicitly is evil in relation to what which could be called good which as the term they have used, exactly 'God', would be a part of.

Temporary results: It is now discovered evidences that the doctor Cecilie Rebecca Christophersen has what she calls "disturbement of thoughts", and attempts to transfer this unto others - this is a sign that the form for p0ossible explitment which is mentioned is as to transfer desease from emloyed in the psychiatry unto others (!).

Conclusion #3

Read the following definition on what a new-militia is before you read the possible conclusion #3:

New-Milita - A state in corruption because of that it is not any longer in respect of its own law with the way that the citizens does not have protection by the law and that the state itself is the danger.

It is only one occation of lack of respect for its own law necessary for a state factical skall come into the definition of what a new-militia is - in 'Law and Learning' it is already a series of offenses experienced, so in spite of the following possible conclusion of the case serious and vast, it is a possibility which os to be evaluated in this case. It is important to mention that I in the situation, captivated from freedom, factical can not leave the place in the immediate time without changes in the situation; I am under treath of poisonment and it is serios negative environment at the place where there is for only days ago possible a suicide happened. I am completely healthy, has not broken any laws, and work hard to get free.

A possible solution: In at least to cases, have I personally experienced that the norwegian judiciary does not respect their own laws - especially in this case there is several who agrees that the judiciary can not be given trust through the laws by that they have experienced similar offenses I have, or at large just by the case 'Law and Learning' alone as an example can it in spite of the enormous impression it will have for a state like Norway and the norwegian judiciary claim that it has become a new-militia, also an organization which run new-terrorism (activities by a new-militia). A new-militia is simply enough a state which does not any longer in respect of its own laws such that the population dows not have protection of their rights any longer, and 'Law and Learning' is an example on this. Furtherly it can also be put forward questions about if there factically has been a will from the norwegian society involved in this case about to as a new-milita to hold myself as a prisoner by imprisonment for to execute me such treaths about imprisonment is a sign of (!).

Offenses on a series of laws, criminal actions only based upon false accusations - and now a treath about poisonment is a sign on that the probable conclusion is real.

Conclusion #4


In the search for answers on why I have been captured, where there is also a danger of poisonment, there has also been evidentially psychological terror/torture - one of the worst actions there is apart from being murdered, so that a possible conclusion #4 speculate being a crime by war to capture in such a way like a crime of war in extension from a past war, or eventually a secret ongoing war:
Argument #1: I myself on the human basis has done nothing illegal which would equal a such type of action which the case is about; I am healthy, has good health as well, and therefore can one wonder about if it applies to the norwegian people generally, and then maybe look to the second world war and the time thereafter; the past world war period for about if this applies the case as an extension of those punishments as apparently was used on Quisling, Hamsun and other known names just after that war - also attempts to punish forces which were national-socialistic, nazisistic in the war. It is important to add that I have no known bonds, connections to the war which should be attempted used in such a situation; therefore innocently attempted captured also in such a situation - it becomes eventually with the norwgian people as a whole. The last mentioned means that the subject genocide becomes a subject (!), in such a case if this I experience would apply everyone else in a similar situation the case applies to.
Argument #2: If we look at the intimation of attempts on exploiting from the psychologist Cecilie Rebecca Christophersen, so if it should show itself not to be the case that it is attempted to exploit there lacks of reasons for psychiatry when I am healthy and have a good health, and then can one look oposite on the matter; that there furtherly becomes found the same reasons as in argument #1; exactly an extension from the war 1940-1945 that becomes attempted acted against, where I as an innocent on the human level, there it still is as mentioned in argument #1 not any known connections to the war from my side - then becomes it eventually togheter with the norwegian people as a totality. Here also becomes the matter; 'genocide', actual to discuss.

Summary: The conclusion #4 drafts the possibility for that humans innocently becomes attempted captured, imprisoned a place with the danger for poisonment and psychological terror/torture, where it is not just a possibility for that one becomes attempted exploited, but also attempted murdered as a part of a genocide with fundations from the past of world war two in Norway from 1945.

Additions: Until it has come a solution to the case, and/or then an answer to if this conclusion is true or not, so can it be significantly to ask oneself, and therefore also stands the possibility to being drafted, even how serious it is.


16.06.2020 15.40
Tosay it is comfirmed that I chose weel when I withdrew a complaint in a complaint meeting by the control commission 11.06.2020 - a new complaint is sent, and it is now probably that the pemisses for the meeting is in such a way that the case will be processed mot after what I have invisioned; it is a wish to treat the case as thoroughly and straightforwardly as possible to increase the amount of possibilites to get the case treated satifactionately.

24.06.2020 15.10
Today I had a conversation with the municipal in Bergen Finn Markussen - especially to try to establish the work to show that Maret Krannich as a municipal in Askvoll did wrong by trying to apply the psychiatric health care law §3-1, without having contact with Finn Markussen which after his own statement is the one who eventually should be who applied the paragraph if it should be necessary when I had adress in Bergen and only was on a vacation in Askvoll. I add that Finn Markussen up to several times laughed along the conversation; clearly can he not understand the seriousness as one of the citizen in Bergen have been captured illegally by imprisonment and is in danger of being poisoned - namely I.

25.06.2020 about 11.00
I got today an evidence for the possible conclusion #2 (!). In a conversation with the doctor Cecilie Rebecca Christophersen, she attempted to describe signs of sickness, amongst other things "confusement of thoughts" - something she just before had been realizing herself in this way: When I talked she raised her eyebrows, and I used the opportunity to ask why she did, and in her answer, where I saw it correct to use a little time on this, she said; 1. that she "did not knew about it", and 2. that "it had to do with the dialouge with me!, where the two quotes show clearly a confusion and doubt on which reasons she raised her eyebrows by.
That to focus on such things can have been clever for to try to get the large amount illegal attitude involved in the case show, but especially it it is intereseting to use the opportunity in a conversation with such a doctor with speciality into psychology to work on sich behaviors - furtherly it is a proof for that she just herself is sick, and then indirectly decided as a specialist in psychology whicj gives it a certain wight professionally, and which I shall get into on an evidence which gives grounds for to claim that the conclusion #2 factically is real; the psychiatry capture humans illegally, furtherly attempts to transfer their own deseases unto the prisoners which is imorisoned (!). It is disturbing results. It can also be added to this that the diary note gives evidence for psycological terror, psychological torture.
I can mention that the doctor Sebastian and his assistant Torwald was present at the conversation and therfore witnesses to the event.

27.06.2020 omlag kl 09:30
Psychopaty in employer Robert which is a person for contact today. I asked if I could get a print of notes/journals from other employers than the doctors - when it looks like it is a danger of that the attempt to poison me is ascalating on the basis of false accusations which possibly is noted down, ant on the task to get such a print Robert became furious and amongst other things before he ended the conversation without result about getting such a print he said: "It is most likely something you have asked for in the past, and therefore I can not help you." It is an totally unusual psychopathic innuendo.

28.06.2020 12:00
There came an employer to the room without having any reasons for doing so, but after a short conversation he said it "was because of the time".

29.06.2020 11.38
I called the Health Minister Bent Høie today; I got the information that he had taken vacation, and is else working a lot at home because of the coronasituation. Therefore it can be difficult to reach him.

03.07.2020 17:06:
They had made to different type of buns today; one with salt and one with cheese; I got the one with salt and wondered about I could get one with cheese as well; "No.", said the staff, it was only one for each, and they said; "Yes.", to that they treated them as they were the same type after a question about this from me.

04.07.2020 17:06:
The tendensy is ever increasing rules. Today denied Karen myself coffe 10:03, when she means serving of coffe last from 16:00 to 17:00 - earlier one has gotten coffe until it were empty on the can, maker; it were still more left when U asked.


1 Cecilie Rebecca Christophersen - Decision 05.06.2020
1b Cecilie Rebecca Christophersen - Decision 05.06.2020
2 Illsutration of the offenses by Maret Krannich 23.06.2020
3 Illustration over the 3 chuncks with false accusations inluded offenses
4 Article - The rule of law in the health care sector
5 Article - About Rhyck
6 List of ways to get released
7 Map over the situation for the case
8 Rhyck - A sketch
9 Article - Hjernevask - Tidenes meningsløse skandale [Currently not translated]
10 Video - Just before illegal decision 27.05.2020
11 Sketch - Unreasonable Conversation

© 07.07.2020