Article: About Rhyck
Author: Tom André Tveit, Bergen, 22.06.2020

Rhyck is necessary to avoid corruption - that a state becomes lawless; itself make offenses; becomes a new-militia. By integrating rhyck into the law one avoids corruption as mentioned - but, achieve that at illegal imprisonment in a state can become released and transported to a different state for asylum/safety. The problem today is the releasement from imprisonment and the transport to a border to such a state in practice. Today one have to flee oneself physically from the imprisonment, and by one self travel th distance which is present to such a state one can seek asylum in - that is on ones own risk, where one easily can become caught by the corrupt state, new-milita, which illegaly has taken one into prison (!).
Until rhyck is integrated into law as a normal human right everyone is adviced which is citizens in such a state to be aware of that one can be in danger og being taken by force illegaly to imprisonment by the state, and then it will be clever to always have a plan ready to travel to another nation to seek asylum. For instance as a norwegian, it will be adviced to have a plan ready to travel to Sweden, Denmark, Iceland or similar if one sense the danger of being imprisoned - also in fact anyhow, as long rhyck is not present in the current law. Noone in example Norway, is safe, until rhyck is a part of the law.

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